Hi! I have found the way to switch on "Vorklimatisierung", but I have noticed that when this switches on (about a half hour before your depart time), the lights and radio also turn on. This is very annoying for the neighbors and unnecessary.
Does anyone recognize this and maybe found a way to turn that off?
Unfortunately not, that’s the way the car actually works. I opened up a complaint ticket with Jeep last October, but there are no answers so far.
Unfortunately not, that’s the way the car actually works. I opened up a complaint ticket with Jeep last October, but there are no answers so far.
I saw your post too, but too late. I have just raised a ticket here too. If there's any news, I will post it here. Seems too me like dumb programming.... why would anyone want it to work this way? pffff
Well, I can confirm that this issue still exists after Z78 update. Absolute stupid and annoying the the car will light up play music while pre-climate is working,
Update: Made a new appointment for this issue (11 Jan), but the dealer already did some homework by consulting others and they now say it's factory designed this way.....that would be real stupid. The only advantage an EV has is this possibility of pre-heating and now it seems unusable unless you really hate your neighbours.
„It works as designed“, that’s what Fiat workshops always say, when customers claim an abnormal issue for what they have no plan to fix it.
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